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Marked 3 years 8 months ago onto كلمات اغاني

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klmat aghnyt khlst al`shrt bsam alhajry klmat aghnyt khlst al`shrt bsam alhajry mktwbt kamlt hyth tqwl alqwyt albynh ahnh manrhm n`ysh athnynh dhkryaty wyak rah ansahn. kma ymknkm mtab`t wqra klmat alaghany bjmy`a ma fyha mn tfasyl aw m`lwmat mn khlal mwq` ktab klmat alaghany, hyth anh almwq` alawl walafdl fy tqdym klmat alaghany balshkl aldhy yhtajh albahth `ly alantrnt bshkl `am.

nhn jmy`a `ndma t`jbna aghnyt m`ynt aw aghany m`ynt nhawl dayma albhth `nha aw `n klmath mn ajl alt`rf `lyha w rbma hfzha wtrdydha athna sma` alaghnyt alaslyt, kma anny wahd mn aldhyn yqwmwn bdhlk.

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