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Marked 9 months 2 weeks ago onto كلمات اغاني

كلمات اغنية ناوي فراك ادهم


klmat aghnyt nawy frak adhm mktwbt kamlt. makhdh fraghk kl jz mn ywmy mabyn tfkyry wk`dty wnwmy. whqk mt`rfny srt ttkbr ltrydh akhdhth.

lw `jbtk fla tbkhl `lyna bnshrha mn khlal sfhat alswshyal mydya, kma nwsyk ayda balt`lyq `lyha hty yslna rayk waldhy baldrwrt ysa`dna fy alahtmam akthr bma nrah qd haz `ly asthsankm. m` khals alshkr walamtnan lzyartkm alkrymt.

nhn jmy`a `ndma t`jbna aya mn ala`mal alfnyt alghnayyt nhawl dayma albhth `nha aw `n klamha mn ajl alt`rf `lyha w rbma hfzha wtrdydha athna sma`ha, kma anny ahd aldhyn yqwmwn bdhlk.

fqt kl ma `lyk hw zyart mwq`na walbhth `n alty trydha wstjdha m` kl albyanat almt`lqt bha walty qd tkwn bhajt aly m`rftha `n hdhh alty atyt alyna llbhth `nha, fntmny an y`jbk almwq` wma yqdmh wtjd kl ma thtajh `lyh dwn alhajt aly mghadrth aw aldhhab aly mwaq` akhry.

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