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كلمات اغنية ميتة الروح احمد جواد و نور الزين مكتوبة كاملة


klmat aghnyt mytt alrwh ahmd jwad w nwr alzyn mktwbt kamlt
klmat aghnyt mytt alrwh ahmd jwad w nwr alzyn mktwbt kamlt klmat mytt alrwh ahmd jwad w nwr alzyn mktwbt kamlt klmat aghnyt ahmd jwad w nwr alzyn mytt alrwh mktwbt kamlt klmat ahmd jwad w nwr alzyn mytt alrwh mktwbt kamlt klmat aghnyt mytt alrwh mktwbt kamlt klmat mytt alrwh mktwbt kamlt klmat aghnyt ahmd jwad w nwr alzyn mktwbt kamlt klmat ahmd jwad w nwr alzyn mktwbt kamlt .

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