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Focaloid is a digital solutions company that focuses on developing reliable, innovative and economical technology solutions. Broadly our services include Enterprise, Mobile, Web, Cloud Solutions. Our goal is to help businesses grow, transform and achieve their business objectives. Feel free to contact for technology consulting services. Website:

Focaloid Blogs

2 Followers, 201 Marks

8 reasons to move your business to the cloud right now | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
Cloud computing has already become the new...

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Top 10 trends to watch for in Cloud Computing | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
A number of cloud computing trends have been arising...

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AI and Good Data Management | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
AI (artificial intelligence) systems are programmed with data provided...

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What marketers are doing with artificial intelligence? | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited

AI is here and it is widely used in the...

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Web development trends to look out for | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
There are more than a billion visits to websites every day...

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How to know if your app has usability problems | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
After developing the mobile application and launching...

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Hypervisor and Its Types In Cloud Computing |
The hypervisor is key to enabling virtualization. In its simpler form, the hypervisor is...

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5 things to consider while developing Hybrid Apps | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
Developing apps can be difficult, especially...

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The top technological trends that will bring radical changes in App development | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
We live in a digital...

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How to choose the right platform for your mobile app? | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
If you are contemplating making a mobile...

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How to build your organizations AI strategy? | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
From Alexa to social media feeds, artificial...

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How to turn your idea into a winning app business | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
People generally tend to get ideas every now and...

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Amazon improving its cloud efficiency using ARM-based processor | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
Based on recent news, Amazon is...

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Myths of mobile enterpise development | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
The IT sector has seen a drastic increase in the last 10 years...

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AI, blockchain and enhanced encryption | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence is a term that is heard...

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The ethics of AI | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
Artificial intelligence is associated with the use of machines that are capable of...

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The ethics of AI | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
Artificial intelligence is associated with the use of machines that are capable of...

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The ethics of AI | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
Artificial intelligence is associated with the use of machines that are capable of...

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The ethics of AI | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
Artificial intelligence is associated with the use of machines that are capable of...

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Is Cloudflare revolutionising cloudcomputing? | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
Cloud computing has been the most dominating...

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Mobile App UX Checklist | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
The success of your mobile application depends on the UX of it. A great and...

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How HE can transform cybersecurity and cloud computing | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
Cyber attacks can destroy national security,...

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Big Data, Big Challenges | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
Today, leading companies in every industry are using Big Data to improve...

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A Cloud in the space | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
A cloud in space - The cloud above clouds. This is what a supercomputer in the...

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The Top 5 reasons why apps fail | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited

Mobile apps are flooding the app stores and the count is just...

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Influence of Artificial Intelligence in ERP solutions | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
The world is constantly being transformed by...

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How intelligent will mobile apps be in future | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
While experience-as-a-service has taken over the...

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Mobile App UX Checklist | Focaloid Technologies Private Limited
The success of your mobile application depends on the UX of it. A great and...

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