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Focaloid is a digital solutions company that focuses on developing reliable, innovative and economical technology solutions. Broadly our services include Enterprise, Mobile, Web, Cloud Solutions. Our goal is to help businesses grow, transform and achieve their business objectives. Feel free to contact for technology consulting services. Website:

Focaloid Blogs

2 Followers, 201 Marks

How Microservices Architecture Benefit Mobile App Development
Earlier mobile app development followed the monolithic architecture model....

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How Microservices Architecture Benefit Mobile App Development
Earlier mobile app development followed the monolithic architecture model....

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Mobile Business Intelligence :How can be improved
Businesses of today use big data and analytics to make timely decisions and guide their...

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Top Software Testing Trends 2022 | Software Testing Services
The software testing industry is always evolving and revamping itself with...

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All About Cloud Application Development in 2022 | Blog
Cloud application development is extremely popular today. Availing Cloud services by...

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Advancing Business Software Development With Cloud Native
Adopting cloud-native frameworks is integral to gaining the flexibility and...

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What is SaaS? 10 FAQs About Software-as-a-Service
You may have heard of SaaS (Software as a Service). It has revolutionized the software...

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How Custom Software Development Can Help Boost Your Company's Productivity

Several companies are employing custom software solutions in...

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Website Vs. Web Application: Which One Is Better?
When going through a standard webpage on the internet, the average user might not be aware...

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How to Lead the Digital Transformation Game | Blog
Change is inevitable. No matter how difficult it is, we must adapt to change to evolve...

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10 Best Framework for Android App Development in 2022
For several years now Android has successfully held the position as one of the best...

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Big Challenges of Outsourcing Software Development | Blog
IT outsourcing is one of the biggest industries in the global market. In 2019...

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7 Tips to Make the Most of Enterprise Software Development
The digitization of manifold business operations has presented companies with a...

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The 2022 Cloud-Native Applications Guide | Cloud Computing
One of the hottest topics in the world of software development right now is cloud...

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DevOps Services Create a Direction Toward Cloud Development
In today's world, cloud and DevOps services are inseparable. DevOps is used in...

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Business Digital Transformation: Know What's Trending

Driven by customer expectations, numerous businesses are complying and adopting...

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6 Ways to Achieve Effective Software Maintenance
Many people think developing software and deploying it on the hardware is the end of the...

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The Full Guide on Application Development Outsourcing in 2022
There are organizations and individuals for almost any service on the planet...

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Are UI/UX Design Services Important for Your Business?
The primary purpose of a website or app of a business is to entice the visitor's...

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New Gaming Technology To Adapt To In 2022
The world has come a long way from the 2-dimensional retro gaming era. Gone are the days of...

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Why do you need a dedicated development team?
Outsourcing IT as a market was worth66.5 billion in 2019. There is no denying that offshoring...

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Guide to Choosing Mobile App Development Services
There are billions of mobile phone users worldwide and the numbers are rapidly growing as...

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12 Benefits of Cloud Computing | What is cloud computing?
Most organizations today use cloud computing and there are good reasons why your...

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15 Best Software Development Tools To Use In 2022 | Blog
There are many organizations and individuals developing software of different types...

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How To Hire An App Developer For Your Business? Hire Now
An online presence is necessary to thrive in today's digital world, and businesses...

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Why Hire Dedicated Developers In 2022 | Hire Developers
Today is the era of outsourcing software development. You save costs and delegate...

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Future of Software Development in 2022 and Beyond
The software development industry is a continually evolving sector in today's increasingly...

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The Current Trend Setting in the UI UX Design Services
Ever since the advent of the world wide web, website designing has now become an...

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