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sm`t sy mHrwm frd khyly'y gwgl khy `mdh pyshkhsh | UrduGram

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wyb ddyskh: (ttly) ttly khy `lqy sisly myN ykh mywzym nm qbrstn wq` hy jw khm z khm 400 sl prn hy. sb sy phly 1599 myN pdrywN ny ykh brry pdry '...

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slmn khn mtHn myN ps hwny khyly'y khy khrty thy ? - UrduGram UrduGram

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gr nwz shryf khw khchh hw tw Hkhwmt khy yntt sy yntt bj dyN gy - UrduGram UrduGram

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