Azoospermia is a condition when there is absence of sperm in males. In this situation, there is no sperm found in the fluid on a routine analysis...
Insomnia is defined as a sleep disorder. It is a condition of inadequate or poor-quality sleep due to a number of factors, such as difficulty...
Migraine is defined as a condition marked by recurring moderate to severe headache with throbbing pain that usually lasts from four hours to three...
Crohn's Disease is part of a group of intestinal diseases known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Often people complain of stomach pain, diarrhea,...
Hair loss is also known as alopecia. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent. It can affect just scalp or the entire body. When it just affects...
A fistula is defined as an abnormal connection between two body parts, such as an organ or blood vessel and another structure. They are usually...
When we heard about dengue fever it makes us scary as we lose whole energy and have a high-grade fever. Dengue fever is transmitted by a mosquito...
Excessive discharge of a white, sticky, foul-smelling material from the vagina is called Leucorrhoea. This common problem cause unhygienic...
A slipped or herniated disc refers to rupture or damage of the intervertebral disc due to any kind of pressure from the vertebra above and below...
Akshi Tarpana is an unique procedure in Ayurveda where herbal infused ghrta (ghee) is placed over the eyes for a selected period of your time. The...
Osteoporosis is a bone disease in which weakening of bones takes place. Bone is a connective tissue which is constantly being broken down and...
Best Ayurvedic Treatment For Skin Diseases
Skin treatment in Ayurveda is probably the finest choice as the Ayurveda has given detailed...
Chandigarh Ayurved Centre provides you the most trust worthy services and has the best quality of products. We provides a 'SKIN GLOW KIT' which is...
Chandigarh Ayurved Centre provides you Asthma Go Kit that is really helpful to cure this disease with a natural way.