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Present on the Vaud Riviera in Montreux, Clinique Suisse is a Swiss private clinic exclusively dedicated to women.Accessible to all, the clinic is recognized by the Swiss Public Health Service and by the main basic and complementary insurances. Excellence, innovation and empathy are our core values Our goal is to inspire confidence and contribute to well-being with a global approach centered on the real needs of each patient.

The abdominal wall can become slack or misshapen over time, or after a pregnancy or weight gain. Abdominal surgery corrects the excess of fat and...

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Breast implants are used to modify the size, shape and form of the breasts, providing you with the most attractive of curves. We work with both...

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Swiss Clinic Montreux is a center of excellence for a day hospital located on the Vaudoise Riviera. The clinic is equipped with the latest...

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