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One of the key transformational changes that 5G brings is that it upgrades traditional telecom network infrastructure to Service-Based Architecture (SBA).

SBA introduced modularity into the network, enabling swifter and more flexible service development. It enables any third-party application to securely interact with 5G NFs, supporting a host of next-gen use cases.

Operators can leverage the full benefits of SBA with 5G standalone (5G-SA) deployments. What exactly are these of benefits? They include:

- It can be deployed as Kubernetes-orchestrated containers, so the core can be run on non-proprietary infrastructure.
- New software vendors can plug-and-play their NFs, supporting a best-of-breeds network.
- Operators can slice the network with dynamic and efficient resource utilization.
- It simplifies integration and operations using APIs.
- SBA also implements well-developed security mechanisms.

To understand more about the benefits of 5G SBA and how it works, read the full blog post:

#SBA #5G #5GNR #5GNetworks #5GTechnology #Standalone5G #5GC #5GEPC #3GPP #CloudNative #Telcos

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