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Marked 5 years 1 week ago onto ICO marketing

ICO marketing


ICO can be expanded as 'initial coin offering' and is in reference to the extremely unregulated process of obtaining funds for a crypto project. Preliminary investors are sold portions of the crypto and this is done for bitcoins or fiat money. ICOs can be likened to IPOs where prospective investors obtain a firm's shares.

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Any effective campaign must Bulk SMS Chennai precisely target the correct audience, which bulk SMS enables you to do. With the help of RAT SMS, companies in Chennai may launch locally relevant SMS campaigns that connect with their target demographic. With the help of our SMS marketing platform, you can engage with your customers more deeply by sending them invitations to events, region-specific discounts, and more.As a reputable bulk SMS service provider in Chennai, RAT SMS provides a direct line of communication with your clients via their mobile devices. SMS has been shown to provide faster and higher engagement rates than the majority of other channels, making it ideal for promoting new products, sending tailored discounts, and informing customers.Click Here #BulkSMS #BulkSMSServices #SMSMarketing #TextMessaging #PromotionalMessages #TransactionalSMS
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