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Marked 9 months 2 weeks ago onto Vitalik Buterin Ủng Hộ Việc Ethereum Chuyển Sang Verkle Trees

Vitalik Buterin Ủng Hộ Việc Ethereum Chuyển Sang Verkle Trees


Vitalik Buterin da noi ve viec chuyen giao cau truc du lieu cua Ethereum. Mihailo Bjelic, mot trong nhung nguoi dong sang lap Polygon, da bat dau thao luan ve Crypto X ve kha nang cua Verkle Trees khi so sanh voi cay Merkle Patricia duoc su dung rong rai va Buterin da dong gop mot so ly do khien Ethereum nen nghiem tuc xem xet viec chuyen doi. Buterin lap luan rang cau truc du lieu hien tai dang hoat dong tot. Tuy nhien, no khong phu hop voi cac giao thuc Zero-Knowledge (ZK) can thiet de tao ra kha nang mo rong va hieu qua cua Ethereum.

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