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خليل مصطفى - بطلنا نحب


klmt Gny@ bTln nHb mktwb@ Gn lmTrb l`rqy khlyl mSTf~ 2022. wqd Hqqt njH kbyr b`d `rDh wdhlk m shd bh jmhwr lfnn.

nHn jmy` `ndm t`jbn y mn l`ml lfny@ lGny'y@ nHwl dy'm lbHth `nh w `n klmh mn jl lt`rf `lyh w rbm HfZh wtrdydh thn sm`h, km nny Hd ldhyn yqwmwn bdhlk.

fqT kl m `lyk hw zyr@ mwq`n wlbHth `n lty trydh wstjdh m` kl lbynt lmt`lq@ bh wlty qd tkwn bHj@ l~ m`rfth `n hdhh lty tyt lyn llbHth `nh, fntmn~ n y`jbk lmwq` wm yqdmh wtjd kl m tHtjh `lyh dwn lHj@ l~ mGdrth w ldhhb l~ mwq` khr~.

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