Marked 4 years 4 months ago onto Organic Herbal Powders
Botanical Name: Vaccinium oxycoccos
Plant Part Used: Fruit
Processing Method: Extraction
Commonly known as cranberry, it is related to bilberries, blueberries and lingonberries. The typically grown species of cranberry is the North American cranberries. Usually, you can eat it raw as it tastes sharp and sour. These fruits are considered a great superfood as they are rich in nutrients. Its bioactive constituents are sources of antioxidants, vitamin K, E, C, and fibers. People also consume it as sweetened juice most often. Crushed cranberries and cranberry juice active constituents are believed to reach kidney cells and hence believed to have effect in improving renal functions. Now, you can find cranberries in products like sauces, powders, dried cranberries and its extracts are also used in popular supplements.
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