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Green Jeeva is a novel global e-commerce platform that brings together global buyers and sellers of dietary ingredients in one marketplace. Experienced professionals lead our platform who cater to the needs as well as challenges of dietary business workflow. We are endowed with tech-savvy experts who continuously leverage cutting-edge digital technologies to craft our highly efficient e-commerce platform.

Organic Herbal Powders

0 Followers, 4 Marks

Having the chemical formula Mg(C18H35O2)2, Magnesium stearate is produced by the reaction of magnesium salt with sodium stearate. It is a white,...

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Buy USDA approved organic Valerian Extract powder at a reasonable price range in bulk quantity. No reasonable price refused! Buy USDA approved...

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Botanical Name: Vaccinium oxycoccos
Plant Part Used: Fruit
Processing Method: Extraction

Commonly known as cranberry, it is...

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Botanical Name: Curcuma longa
Plant Part Used: Root
Processing Method: Drying, Grinding

Turmeric is found in orangish-yellow...

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