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places to visit in delhi

10 Places to Visit in Delhi - A startling cornucopia of history, culture, cuisine, street life and commerce, Delhi keeps its visitors thoroughly engaged. You may be overwhelmed by the chaos at first but as the city gradually sheds its layers, you will find there are many fun-filled places to see in Delhi that will take your breath away.

With not just one, but three UNESCO World Heritage sites within its boundaries, you are sure to come across historical attractions in Delhi that will blow your mind with their grandeur. Apart from these, there are many street food shops and stalls in the old lanes that will pamper your taste buds with some lip-smacking dishes. Not forgetting the most happening party hubs in the city, locals, as well as travellers, come here to have the best time of their lives.

For the energetic crowd, these buzzing nightlife destinations are some of the important tourist places in Delhi. So if you have the will and energy to explore Delhi, there is no dearth of interesting places to explore here.

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