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Marked 7 months 6 days ago onto Creating Dynamic Web Apps with Angular 5 and ASP.NET Core

Creating Dynamic Web Apps with Angular 5 and ASP.NET Core - MegaMinds Technologies


Let's start by talking about the tools you'll need for your Angular/.NET project. We think Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio 2017 are great, for the most part. It might seem absurd to use two different IDEs, but we promise it will be worth it. We'll also cover how to integrate Angular 5 into the solution project so that debugging the front and back ends only requires pressing F5.,

The first step is to install the Angular CLI (Command Line Interface). It's a useful tool that provides us with several commands for Angular development. Just enter npm install -g @angular/cli into your terminal to get going.

After configuring the Angular project, let's focus on the ASP.NET Core backend. Everything will be covered, including how to set up authentication techniques and CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) as well as how to create a new Web API project. It's like reaching the full potential of your ASP.NET Core backend!

Are you ready to create something really amazing? Now let's get to work building that fantasy architecture!

Setting up the Angular Project
So you want to make dynamic web apps with Angular 5 and ASP.NET Core? Then, you've come to the right place! First, let's create the Angular project.

The first step is to install the Angular CLI (Command Line Interface). It is known that there are additional command line utilities. To get started, just enter npm install -g @angular/cli into an open terminal window or command prompt. Your system will install the Angular CLI globally as a result of this.

We must configure our project to support PWA features after installing the Angular CLI. What exactly are PWA features, you might ask? These consist of service workers, icons, splash screens, offline support, and manifest, among other things.JSON. Interesting stuff, that.

Read more : https://megamindstechnologie...

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