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Marked 10 months 4 weeks ago onto Modular structures for Livestock & Poultry

Agricultural Storage | Shield Canopy | McGregor Agri


Agricultural Storage | Shield Canopy | McGregor Agri

Shield Canopy is the industry-leading container canopies - creating temporary covered space or longer-term storage, making it an ideal alternative to the permanent steel shed.

Spanning between two standard shipping containers, Shield Canopy can be installed quickly without any permanent fixings, making it easy to create a sheltered area on the yard.

The multi-use space is perfect for grain storage, protecting tractors & machinery, covering a work area, and more.

Shield Canopy is available in widths of 8 metres, 10 metres, or 12 metres, and can be specified in lengths to fit standard 20ft & 40ft shipping containers.

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