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The World Is Flat


The World Is Flat
Today, I just wanted to share a few awesome things with you guys.

First off, I have just recently reread the book by Thomas Friedman "The World Is Flat". It's a new and updated edition. First time I read this back in early years of my high school career it was about six hundred pages, it's about six fifty now. All this knowledge basically boiled down to one thing.

Globalization through the technologies that have advanced in the last twenty to twenty five years have now brought to fruition a new level playing field in which anyone can present their expertise in the information world of today: and the huge keyword that we need to focus on inside of this is "information".

This is an information-driven world, which means everything that we do is no longer really based upon services but the intelligence that we can offer to extend the power behind everything that we do.

This is an information-driven world

Now we're able to leverage beyond what a million people could deliver back in the day because today we have robots and electronics that can do just that. It was just a few intellectual thinkers that brought about the globalization of the world that we see today.

And before... as I have on the screen, here's my proof that the world is flat right here: and I think it's quite amazing really just to understand that before we had to always ship things off into the distance, we had to deliver all our mail physically.

Everything was always this way until about the 1990's. Then with the internet, that really expanded the commerce of the world and money going around which makes the world go round. The faster that we allowed our deliveries or our deliverables such as emails, information, that faster our world becomes so to speak. Because it's so instantaneous.

Now information has truly become the most powerful thing even beyond services and physical products.

While those have a commonplace in today's world, information is what drives everything, and I do mean everything.

Most of the problems that we even have now today in socio-global economics are all based on information - where it should be kept private, where it should be monetized and where it should not be. Information is everything.

The beautiful thing is that inside this world, I really had this idea that "Hey, you're right. The world is flat".

From College to Making Money Online
When I got into high school, I was going into a computer engineering degree paying a good $67,000 right off first year and that was great because I was in one of the top, engineering schools in the nation.

Then I thought about it and while I was there, if you guys don't know already, I love basketball - you see the basketball behind me and the Golden Shoes. Thing is that I love sports and one of the sports that I got involved in was of course you know collegiate basketball.

I tried out for the team, you know; there was so much that went behind it and my expertise really drove me because I had learned from so many great coaches but there was really a great program that I loved.

It was easily accessible for me. It was the first one that I didn't have to go a thousand miles, fly to work with a shooting coach or, you know, ball handling coach or someone like that. The information was delivered to me via the Internet.

The World is Flat: The eBook That Changed My Life
It was a $37 book that taught me how to jump, dribble, everything. It just covered the basics and then some; and I got like a few good gold nuggets out of it and it was totally worth it.

So I ended up finding out that this guy who's selling this $37 book about you know how to jump higher basically - is what it was - is selling two hundred copies of this thing a day and at $37.

Just doing that math it was like, you know, Jesus! This guy's making, you know, well over $7,000 a day and at the end of the year he's making about 2,200,000 dollars.

I go, you know, this guy just made one book, one time, shared his information, the expertise that were already in his head; and it wasn't anything special.

He didn't play in the N.B.A, he wasn't you know an N.B.A. development coach.

He just said I know what I know and I know this right here and that's my special expertise; and he found two hundred people all over the world...

There are far too many people in this world that live paycheck to paycheck.That's called a just over broke - a J.-O. B.; a job. And that ends up really coming into the fact that you're not seeing the flat world around you that there's, you know...

Your Audience is Out There - I Guarantee It!
Maybe it's no one inside your immediate neighborhood, maybe no one within a twenty-mile radius of you that knows how to make money online, but guess what? Over the span of the entire world (out of a billion people) yeah, I guarantee you that there's many, many tens of thousands of people who will raise their hand and say I want what you have to teach and be able to sell the information like he did.

I had always thought that to make a million dollars a year, you had to either be a genius or rob a bank to do that, am I right? But then I figured it out.

Wow, it's really just information-driven commerce; that's really all we do, you know?

The World is Flat: My 'Aha' Moment
The world is now flat; the globalization of the information world has basically enveloped us into this type of new age that allows our professional observations to render us money -just us knowing what we know, what we've gone through.

Take for instance, I went through asthma and this is something that I've never made a product about, I probably should because you know I've went through these things: but even a little thing like asthma can hold you back in life and I recovered from it.

A lot of people think you can't, but the truth is, there's a lot of things that you can do to take control of your health and reverse symptoms. It's usually something pretty basic like: you have to strengthen your lungs with breathing and sometimes detox microscopic parasites using something called electro-medicine (sometimes known as the Hulda clerk-zapper). All of that combined basically helped me eliminate my asthma from age eight to basically age nine.

That's something I had suffered with since like five when I started like had dribbling a ball with my father and you know trying to do all types of different sports. I was just... I was not sports gifted at all: and then by nine, I was basically working on, you know, "OK I need to maybe stop eating sugars".

If you guys don't know this, I owned a candy machine when I was seven years old. I had worked, hours doing all odd jobs and I saved up about four hundred bucks at the time, bought a candy machine because I knew that was an investment. Within three months I made the $400 back because I stockpile candies. I'd charge a buck for a 25 cent candy bar and I just happened to break the one commandment that you don't do as a dealer - being high on your supply.

I ate so much chocolate and that really led to a lot of my health issues. A lot of people don't understand that having three diabetic issues is really something that can even cause what I consider to be more of a pathogen or viral infection inside your lungs.

Yes, there are actually parasitical infections inside your lungs and this is knowledge that I finally learned as a kid growing up and now I could share this information. If you want to learn more about that - I highly recommend you check out Dr. Hulda Clark's work. I've found her books: "The Cure for All Diseases" and "The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers" especially helpful.

The World is Flat - Tap into Your Experience - Sell What You Know
The point here is, we all have issues that we deal with in life. We all have information like this, all these events we've gone through. You've gone through something specifically and certain people would gladly pay you to learn what you know!

You can flatten the world with that because there's thousands of people in your exact situation: no matter how much information's out there, your information is going to be the first to touch people I guarantee it.

Your information doesn't even have to be groundbreaking. As long as it's relevant and will help someone achieve what they're looking for - they're going to say "Yes. I want what you have gone through, I want to shortcut that success, I want to see your failures'.

But here's the thing, everything that's inside your head (even my asthma issues I never really thought about it until I started actually helping someone with a health funnel and I started going into my own previous health issues).

All of these things are inside our heads and that's not where they belong because inside our heads we've processed the information we've enveloped it into our lives, it's done, it no longer has as much use to us.

But this information if you recall all this and write it down now and present it to the world in a proper fashion where you give ninety percent of your formula and then you hold back the final ten percent, that right there is how you gather followings of people.

Because you've got a wealth of information inside your head, all these expertise whether you know it or not, there's something that you are good at.

You've Come Along Way - You're Good at Something - What Transformations Have You Made?
Whether it's cooking, there's people inside this world right now that do not know how to cook and guess what, they're in a unique situation where they need to learn, they want to learn and they don't know how.

There's people who want to eat healthy but guess what, maybe they want a certain book, you know, going vegan without losing flavor. A lot of people think going vegan means you have to kill out all the things that you love, you know, all the sweet enjoyments of life but that's not true. And vegans can actually prove that especially if you're a vegan, you already know this. You're like "oh this is good, that's a tasty alternative", and your mind's already inside that mode of expertise and that mode of expertise flattens the world now when you present this.

All these people inside this world may be nowhere near you, or even your friends may want to hear about this that's OK. That's why the world is flat that's why you need sales funnel secrets; my ten years of digital marketing information compacted into one little book.

The World is Flat & People Are More Alike than Different
From law to Neuro Linguistic Programming, to "The World Is Flat, to "how to how to read micro expressions and facial expressions, how to sell people, all these books over how people are naturally intrinsically brought together for certain causes. Some of those causes are super simple as well.

For example, Free food - how many people could you get if you said free food? Well that's the best thing that most religions do to bring in new members - it even works on animals. Free food is something that biologically speaks to our need to survive.

There's so many things that we all have that speaks to our need to survive. The way that we eat speaks to the way that we need to survive; the way that we think speaks to the way that we need to survive; the way that we speak, well, speaks to the way that we need to survive - everything that we do.

As long as you start touching on those very primal matters and use your knowledge to say "Hey we can skip all of these primal instincts that most people want to go after first". You know, I want to have all the troubles of you know going through in using inhaler to breath and you can go through that OR you can change your diet and you can use this electro-medicine. Now you don't have asthma at all.

Or do you have diabetes? Well guess what, you could ditch the sugar and carbs you use this electro medicine you know this generator and this rife machine and guess what, bam no more sugar issues.

The World is Flat - We Have the Technology - The Rest is Up to You!
Again it's all up to us. For know, that information is all in our head. Now that we've gone through it, that we've enveloped these things into our lives, they won't no longer have as much meaning or as use.

But I guarantee that when you write what you have down inside your head, or put it into video, then it will have the world of meaning to someone else and can help make someone else's life better and that's what matters.

With that being said, I wish you the best of luck. My one action I want you guys to take is go get my course Sales Funnel Secrets.

I want you to get it in days because every day matters; every single minute that you think, the way that you align yourself matters and you need to start now. Action takers do things now, not tomorrow, not in a minute, not when they switch back to the next tab in their browser, not when they get done listening to this. Now, now is when they do it and that's what I need you to do.

You need to act ahead of those people in order to save your cue, your place in line: because the world's flat and every second that you wait is every second another one of these is gone.

How will anyone ever know all of the amazing things that you've gone through, all the amazing things that you've learned?

Skip all of the trash that you've of course had to go through; but you can tell people about your failures, the normal things that people will go through: that rise, that struggle, write that down.

When Sales Funnel Secrets arrives, you're just going to place this look about the attractive character learn how to write the daily Seinfeld, learn about all of these things I'm going to talk about inside.

You're going to place that story, it's going to fill in the meat and bones of the skeleton that is Sales Funnel Secrets. With that being said, again, I am Zach Miller. I wish you the best of success and until next time, bye

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