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Marked 1 year 4 months ago onto Professinal Telegram Marketing Softwares and Services.

Source: https://www.hamzaxpro.com/post/how-to-scrap-hidden-telegram-group-members

What is the telegram scraper?
The telegram scraper is a tool or a bot that can help you to scrapping the usernames from the telegram groups and channels (for channels need admin permission).

Thanks for telegram because it's an open-source application that allows you to develop too many creative tools for marketing stuffs.

Actually the telegram scraper is a application that connected to the telegram API and there is several ways for develop it.

Some developers using Python language to create and and they can use PyroGram and Telethon library.

The C# developers using TeleSharp library and you can also use other languages to develop this bot but the most popular language is Python

More and Full Details Available here : https://www.hamzaxpro.com/po...


Telegram Hidden Group Member Scraper is a tool that allows you to collect members who have sent messages in specific groups. This method is only applicable when group admins or owners hide their members. Read on for a detailed explanation and answers to common questions.

What is a Telegram Private Group Scraper?

A Telegram private group scraper is a tool that collects members from Telegram groups that are private. These groups do not have public links, making them "private.

Telegram Groups that are private. that has no links to share the kind of groups we know as Private groups. because the owner of that group made the group as private purpose.

so to that group, only those people will join who have Private links of those groups.

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