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The water molecules were found on Moon's Clavius Crater, one of the largest craters visible from Earth. (Nasa)

The discovery comes on the back of several other observations made in the past including by Chandrayaan-1.

Here's why it is of critical importance
In one of the greatest cosmic revelations of the decade, Nasa affirmed the presence of water on the sunlit surface of the Moon. The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), unexpectedly, affirmed that water might be conveyed over the moon and not just limited to cold, shadowed spots. The water atoms were found on Moon's Clavius Crater, perhaps the biggest cavity obvious from Earth.

Scientists believe that most of the water recognized must be put away inside glasses or in voids between grains protected from the brutal climate, permitting the water to stay on the lunar surface. The revelation was distributed in Nature Astronomy on late Monday night.

Nasa in a teleconference said, "SOFIA has recognized water atoms (H2O) in Clavius Crater, perhaps the biggest cavity noticeable from Earth, situated in the Moon's southern half of the globe." previously, researchers had identified some type of hydrogen on the lunar surface, be that as it may, they couldn't recognize water and its nearby substance relative, hydroxyl (OH).

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