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Marked 1 month 1 week ago onto Best Digital Locks in Singpore

Source: https://www.eazea.sg/product/eazea-tab-digital-door-lock/

Visit: https://www.eazea.sg/ for digital and smart locks.

Eazea's Tab compact digital door lock provides the best of both worlds: excellent security at an affordable price point.

PIN code system with fake PIN functionality.
RFID tag scanning with two tags provided.
Optional Wi-Fi remote access via the Eazea app.
Low battery alert.
Emergency power terminal if the digital lock runs out of energy.
Built-in security alarm.
Built-in sensors that can detect a fire breakout in your property.
Registers up to 100 different fingerprints and 50 RFIDs.

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Best Digital Locks in Singpore

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