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Marked 11 months 1 week ago onto Binance Web3 Wallet Thông Báo Tích Hợp Blast Network

Binance Web3 Wallet Thông Báo Tích Hợp Blast Network


Theo thong bao cua san giao dich vao ngay 4 thang 3, Binance Web3 Wallet hien ho tro Blast, mot giai phap mo rong quy mo Ethereum Lop 2 cung cap loi nhuan tich hop cho Ethereum va stablecoin. La mot phan cua qua trinh tich hop, nguoi dung vi tien dien tu se co the su dung Binance Web3 Wallet de chuyen token den va di tu mang Blast va truy cap cac ung dung phi tap trung khac nhau tren mang.

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