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Marked 11 months 2 weeks ago onto Brave Wallet Ra Mắt Tính Năng Native SegWit Bitcoin

Brave Wallet Ra Mắt Tính Năng Native SegWit Bitcoin


Theo thong bao cua cong ty vao thu Ba, ban cap nhat moi nhat cho Brave Browser (phien ban 1.63) hien cho phep nguoi dung tao va quan ly tai khoan Bitcoin SegWit goc. Nhom hien dang dat muc tieu trien khai ho tro cho ma thong bao BRC-20 va Ordinals vao cuoi nam nay.

"Cuoi nam nay, chung toi se bo sung ho tro cho nhieu loai tai khoan Bitcoin hon, cho phep nguoi dung luu tru ma thong bao BRC-20 va Ordinals trong Vi Brave--va cung cap tat ca cac tinh nang nay tren tat ca cac phien ban may tinh de ban va thiet bi di dong cua Brave," Brave nhom luu y.

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