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Marked 4 years 3 weeks ago onto Topaz

Topaz ( Hoàng Ngọc ) • Phong Linh Store


Ten goi cua Topaz bat nguon tu chu Hy Lap la Topazos co nghia la Tim Kiem, theo ngon ngu Sanskrit co Topaz co nghia la Lua. Truoc day topaz da duoc dung cho mot so loai da quy co mau vang, tham chi ca nhung loai mau luc cung duoc goi la Topaz.

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Amethyst ( Thạch Anh Tím ) Tự Nhiên • Phong Linh Store
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Topaz ( Hoàng Ngọc ) • Phong Linh Store
Topaz ( Hoàng Ngọc ) • Phong Linh Store
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