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Present perfect tense in English


Present perfect tense in English
Present perfect tense is used when there is a connection with the past and with the present. It is used when the action is complete or has ended.

What is Present Perfect Tense?

"Present perfect tense shows the action that happened in the past and continues into the present."

Present perfect tense is used when there is a connection with the past and with the present. It is used when the action is complete or has ended. The exact time when the action happened is not important and hence, it is not mentioned in this tense.

Basic Structure of Present Perfect tense:

* Structure for Present Perfect *
Subject Auxiliary verb Main verb
subject has / have past participle
I have gone to college.

* Structure for Negative sentence *
Subject Auxiliary verb Main verb
subject has/have + not past participle
I have not gone to college.

* Structure for interrogative sentence *
Auxiliary verb Subject Main verb
has / have subject past participle
Have you gone to college?

We normally use the present perfect tense to:

* talk about experience,
* talk about change,
* talk about continuing situation.

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