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Our kidneys are associated with several complications and disease being the filtration section of the body. Kidney cancer is one of those dangerous diseases which can cause total damage to the kidneys and can give way to many dangerous health complications.
As we all know that cancer is a dangerous disease but today people are not aware of the different aspects of kidney cancer. In the above video, we explained the causes of kidney disease and about its right treatment.
In kidney cancer, the cells inside kidneys lose its control which becomes a cause for tumor. #Cancer which occurs in renal tubules is known as renal cell carcinoma cancer. The right and early detection of kidney cancer can make its treatment possible.
Here are the symptoms of kidney cancer which can help in early detection of this dangerous disease:
* Blood urine
* Pain in stomach and back
* Laziness or tiredness
* Frequent fever
* Sweating while sleeping
* Swelling in legs or hands
As kidney cancer is also a common disease, hence it is important for every individual to stay aware of its major causes which are as follow:
* Smoking: People who do smoking are on a higher risk to face the complications of kidney cancer.
* Weight gain: these cause rapid hormonal changes in the body which can also be a cause of kidney cancer.
* Counter medications: High and frequent intake of counter medications can also be a cause for kidney cancer.
* High blood pressure: Patient of high blood pressure is on the higher risk of getting kidney cancer. High blood pressure patients are advised to take proper treatment as it can also turn into a cause of kidney disease as well.
The above video shared major information about #kidney_cancer. People who are diagnosed with kidney disease and are finding a natural solution to avoid dialysis and kidney transplant like procedures are advised to get ayurvedic kidney disease treatment from Karma Ayurveda.
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