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Source: https://www.hiddenbrains.co.uk/blog/aspnet-vs-php-which-one-to-pick.html

New business and you are confused whether ASP.NET vs PHP: which is better for web development? There are many articles and blogs which you can find over any search engine however most of them are biased to either of two. On one hand, details about PHP are mentioned and on the other details about ASP.NET. There are a lot of points under which you would be able to best decide which web development to use. ASP.NET VS PHP: which is better for web development? Has been a topic of never-ending debate. PHP is the world's most used and also the most popular technology that is available on the internet with billions of dedicated

PHP developers for which you can also hire PHP Developer on the contrary ASP.NET is a Microsoft platform. Below are some points that would help you understand ASP.NET VS PHP: which one you should pick?

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