Marked 1 year 7 months ago onto Top Seven Potential Futuristic Turning Points in Mobile App Development
Mobile apps are an integral part of every person's life. Today, people almost live and breathe mobile apps. Whether you want to buy a hairpin, food, or a house, there is an app for that. As the market grows, businesses keep shifting towards new trends to keep up with the competition.
Today, there are a number of technologies and trends, like IoT, 5G, AI, etc., that have influenced businesses to adopt them. Moreover, businesses also aim to adopt these trends and technologies to stand out from the rest.
If you are a business with an app or planning to build one, you must carefully scan the market to study its trends. Let's read ahead and uncover some mobile app trends that may revolutionize the industry in the future.
What Will Mobile App Development Look Like in the Future?
Well, the market of mobile app development stood at $197.2 billion in 2021. Further, it is expected to go up $583 billion by 2030. So, as per the market numbers, there is a lot of scope. But not if you are falling behind on the futuristic trends.
1. Super Apps
One of the top and hot trends of the future is super apps. Unlike the traditional app approach, where one app is used to serve only one purpose, today, businesses are producing multi-functional apps. Apps that serve multiple purposes are known as super apps.
For example, if there is an app that allows food delivery can have a section where people can reserve a table at the restaurant. This kind of app is known as a super app. Swiggy, an Indian food delivery app, has these features.
Another awesome example of a super app is Omni. It is Central America's rapidly growing app that provides services like cab booking, bike sharing, healthcare services, and finance, all in one place. As these apps add utility and convenience to the users while saving space on their phones, they can be a perfect booster for your business.
2. DApps
DApps means decentralized apps that are based on blockchain technology. Blockchain is a decentralized ledger that allows secure and transparent financial transactions without the need for intermediaries.
The rise in the number of users using DApps was 396% year-over-year in 2022. Plus, the number of unique active wallets increased by 50% in 2022 compared to 2021.
These stats prove that numerous crypto wallets and currency convertor DApps use blockchain today. As blockchain offers increased security and privacy, DApps are perfect for financial transactions without any fraud or hacking. Moreover, DApps offer users greater control over their data as there is no intermediary. Thus, making it a leverageable trend in the future.
3. Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics is the process that uses technologies like machine learning, AI, big data, etc., to make future predictions based on historical data. Though the use of predictive analytics is prevalent as of now, it will expand its branches in other ways.
For example, in the future, you may get to see the use of predictive analytics to smoothen the development process. Just like data is gathered and analyzed from apps and sensors, app developers will provide their experience data in the future. Based on the analysis of this data, the development process will get smoother as there will be negligible issues.
Further, user data can be used to understand app bottlenecks and use it to enhance user experience.
4. Gaming and Entertainment
Among all the mobile application development trends, this is the one that will never fade away. The gaming market is expected to rise to $545.98 billion in 2028, meaning that game development will be a goldmine for you.
However, there are some things to factor in. For example, make it a mobile game, as there will be over 2 billion mobile gamers by 2028. Further, add features related to AR and VR to make it immersive.
Pro-Tip: Invest in a role-playing game similar to GTA.
When it comes to entertainment, make sure that you build an app that runs smoothly on the phone. Plus, focus on making it as data-efficient as possible, as data issues may affect the demand for your app.
5. IIoT
IoT is a network of smart devices connected to the internet, and Industrial IoT is the use of sensors to streamline industrial processes. With the introduction of Industry 4.0, the use of smart sensors is on the rise, and so is its market. As per stats, the industrial IoT market is expected to reach a massive $1.1 trillion by 2028. Hence, if you want to give your competitors a run for their money, do invest some resources in training your developers for IoT app development.
It will be best to invest in IoT apps that collect and analyze data using a combination of technologies like AI, machine learning, etc. Moreover, focus on making the mobile user experience better.
6. Custom Enterprise Apps
In 2020, the rate of cyberattacks was sky-high as the entire world was working from home. It was a golden time for cyberthieves as firms all around the world witnessed a surge of 148% surge in ransomware attacks. This was mainly due to the lack of security and the use of data from unsafe networks.
Now, one thing to understand here is that businesses that use custom enterprise apps for their operations do not face these issues. As these apps are specifically designed to shield and protect company data, it is nearly impossible for cyber thieves to break them.
Data security is the number one priority for every business today. Hence, following the trend of custom enterprise apps will ensure the security of data and digital assets for the organization and profit for you.
7. Instant Apps
If you ask us, Instant apps are the future of mobile apps. Unlike regular apps, these apps are accessible by the users without downloading or installing on the device. They provide the same functionality as regular apps without taking up much space on your device. To make such an app, developers need to deep link the app to provide it with the required functionality.
If you are up for giving tough competition to your competitors, it will be best to adopt this trend from now on.
What Technologies will be best for Mobile App Development?
If you need to get the most out of the futuristic mobile app trends, adopting the latest app development technologies is necessary. Here are some of the best technologies for mobile app development!
1. Swift
2. Flutter
3. React Native
4. Xamarin
And more!
In conclusion, the mobile app market is constantly growing, and to keep up with the competition, businesses need to stay updated with the latest trends and technologies. Some trends that will revolutionize the industry include super apps, DApps, predictive analytics, gaming and entertainment, IIoT, custom enterprise apps, and instant apps.
Now, some of you may not be very well-versed with the trends and may need help to understand them well before making an app. Don't worry! We at Octos Global can help with understanding these trends and offer you consultation regarding the same.
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