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Leveraging Data Analytics for Precision in Account-Based Marketing


Leveraging Data Analytics for Precision in Account-Based Marketing

When you are using DATA in your marketing operations there is a possibility that you'll see a 15% increment in your Marketing ROI.

Securing high value client is a dream of every business out there, and ABM helps you focus on those high value clients than rather opting for broader reach. ABM filters out your marketing operations to individual accounts, which leads to higher engagement, relevant messaging and ultimately better conversion rate.

Account-Based Marketing circles around data analytics, which increases the precision in targeting and positioning of a campaign which effectively transcends into to conversion of key accounts.

Data analytics is the arm of ABM strategy. It helps marketers to sort insights from large volume of data, so that they can take more informed decisions and further assist personalized marketing.

To increase the marketer's ability to identify high value accounts, integration of data analytics into ABM is very viable, it helps them to understand the needs and behavior of the prospects and helps them deliver more personalized experience.

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