Marked 2 years 2 weeks ago onto Emergency Passport Houston

Know What is Six Month Validity Rule for Passport Expiration
Imagine you arrive at the airport and are turned away at the gate. Your passport will expire in the next few months so you won't be able to board your flight. You are not permitted to board the flight even though you checked the expiration dates and they haven't expired until the next month. How is that possible?
Unfortunately, this is a reality for many travelers. This requirement is not well known by many travelers. Many countries have adopted the six-month validity rule.
Texas Passport Center provides Passport Courier Service and Emergency Passport in Houston. For people who value their time but don't want to carry it, they charge an additional fee to hand-carry passport applications to the Passport Agency.
What is the six-month validity rule, To know here at https://texaspassportcenter....
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