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klmt Gny@ mshtklk mHmd lslm w hyly lwf khyb lw bs rd `ly mw wjhy lwnh nkhTf, chnk nmt nwm lhn h yl Hb shw mkhtfy, wyn HDng `ny Sr, nt my wny nr. fqT kl m `lyk hw zyr@ mwq`n wlbHth `n klmt lGny@ lty trydh wstjdh bklmth kml@ m` kl ltfSyl w lm`lwmt lty qd tkwn bHj@ l~ m`rfth `n hdhh lGny@ lty tyt lyn llbHth `nh, fntmn~ n y`jbk lmwq` wm yqdmh wtjd kl m tHtjh `lyh dwn lHj@ l~ mGdrth w ldhhb l~ mwq` khr~.

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