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Is it compulsory to create a website with REACT JS or can I just stick with HTML CSS and Javascript? | Website


Is it compulsory to create a website with REACT JS or can I just stick with HTML CSS and Javascript? | Copperchips

Before 2015, web development was all about scripting and rendering. Languages like HTML and CSS ruled the backend, whereas PHP ruled the front end. Web developers just needed to put static HTML web pages in some folders and render them using PHP. However, this approach brought into the limelight quite a few issues.

HTML and CSS were considered fairly simple and web developers did not take them seriously. They did not make sure if the written code was well-crafted and efficient. In the worst cases, Javascript was used to generate the content and style of the entire web page. This made some pages inaccessible and less performant. Soon languages like HTML, CSS, and Javascript were considered incompetent to be used for developing large applications swiftly. It frustrated the web developers and necessitated the need for improved technology.

To overcome these challenges imposed by HTML, CSS, and Javascript, the Javascript revolution took place. This revolution enabled web developers to write web applications using client-side javascript rapidly.

Benefits of Using ReactJS
Virtual DOM
ReactJS brought virtual DOM along with it. Before ReactJS, even with fast client platforms and Javascript engines, extensive DOM manipulation hindered the performance of applications and resulted in an annoying user experience. Even minute changes at the top level caused huge ripples to the user interface. However, ReactJS solved this problem.

In ReactJS, any changes were first performed on the virtual DOM. The efficient algorithm of ReactJS identified the changes made and figured out the best way to make changes in the real DOM. This ensured minimum update time providing higher performance and enhanced user experience.

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