Imagine a user that clicks on your website from Google or a referral link aiming to land on the right page but... | Yoomark

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Marked 2 years 11 months ago onto Bookmarks

404 page error | page not found


Imagine a user that clicks on your website from Google or a referral link aiming to land on the right page but instead gets greeted by a lovely 404 error page. Do you ever wonder what impact it makes or what happens when a user sees that the page isn't available?

Users bounce and never return as they did not find the necessary information they were looking for.

The trouble with the 404 error is said to be OK because it constitutes a major part of the nature of a business but what is not OK is to sit back and let the error stay over and cost you conversions. Also, remember it makes your visitors confused and stranded because no one likes to be disappointed when they click on a link to gather information. To escape it and make the error page a more comfortable page to be you can take several actions and take advantage of the same.

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