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How to improve your logistics operation? Bridge LCS logistics software dashboard interface has many updated features that can help users time and effort.
This video will help you to get a brief knowledge of the Bridge LCS dashboard.

The dashboard gives an overview of your logistics operations. There are four sections available in the dashboard.
1. Job: The job section shows the total number of jobs based on the period selected. And also shows the complete list of pending and canceled jobs along with graphical representation.

2. Income: The total income, revenue, cost, and margin will show based on the period you selected.

3. Daily Report: Track the vessels that have been imported and exported in the previous days.

4. Income Report: It provides the annual income report in pictorial representation.

5. Overall Report: Based on the period selected it will show the complete list of the number of jobs, the number of invoices created, the number of quotations send, and the number of vouchers made.

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Freight Forwarding Software | Software For Logistics - Bridge LCS
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