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Bhavesh Parekh
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How To Convert Native Android & IOS App Into React Native?

React Native is the most preferred language of developers. Undoubtedly, a lot of developers use JavaScript, but expert developers use its elements to accelerate development speed. Still, people prefer apps developed using native programming languages as they are powerful. Similarly, converting an iOS app or native Android Application to React-Native can help you get the app developed faster.
What is React Native?
Well, React Native is utilized to build native applications. React Native developers use native Android & iOS features to build mobile UIs having declarative components in place of web components. React Native works just like React. The only difference is that in place of Virtual DOM, it utilizes native views to manage DOM.
Why use React Native?
In case you already possess a native Android app, it is easy to convert a Native Android Application to React-Native module without building a React Native app.
React Native apps offer a perfect solution in many cases. You can convert an Android or IOS app to React-Native to save a lot of time.

| Read Original Blog Here : https://www.xbytesolutions.c...

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