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Emily Hilton
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Marked 2 years 11 months ago onto Globally valid Procurement Professional Certification from GSDC!

GSDC's certified procurement professional (CPP) certification gives learners ability to handle International procurement/Supply Chain/Purchasing management, its core concepts and global best practices.

GSDC's Certified Procurement Professional is one of the most recommended certifications by companies looking to hire Managers in the Supply Chain Industry especially for areas such as Strategic Sourcing where you will be requested to manage products/services worth Billions of dollars including direct and indirect materials & services.

It is one of the key challenging roles where the responsibility of the Manager is to reduce or optimize the company's spend and help the company to achieve significant cost savings by means of strategies developed through research.

Certified Procurement Professional certification also calls for excellent Spend Management Skills, the ability to negotiate with suppliers at ease, exceptional analytical bent of mind, skills of number crunching, and team handling.

For more enquiry call: 41444851189

For more info: https://bit.ly/3s46pNF

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