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Marked 11 months 2 weeks ago onto BNB Vượt 400 USD, Khi Binance TVL Đạt Gần 5 Tỷ USD

BNB Vượt 400 USD, Khi Binance TVL Đạt Gần 5 Tỷ USD


Gan day, Binance Smart Chain noi len la nen tang Lop 1 hang dau voi so luong nguoi dung BNB lon nhat, khoi luong cua no cung co su gia tang dang chu y. Trien vong lac quan doi voi thi truong tien dien tu noi chung cung gop phan vao thanh cong cua BNB. Voi muc von hoa thi truong khoang 2,30 nghin ty USD, muc tang moi nhat cua Bitcoin vuot qua 63.000 USD cho thay niem tin cua nha dau tu da tang len.

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