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Marked 11 months 3 weeks ago onto Free & Open APIs for Seamless Integration and Functionality

Open and free apis for testing and developing


Free APIs democratize access to essential tools, allowing developers of all backgrounds and experience levels to create innovative solutions without financial barriers. From weather data and geolocation services to language translation and image recognition, free APIs offer a vast array of functionalities that can elevate the capabilities of applications and platforms.

Weather APIs:
OpenWeatherMap API: Provides current weather data, forecasts, and historical weather data.
Weatherstack API: Offers current weather data and forecasts globally.
MetaWeather API: Provides weather data for cities across the world.

Geocoding APIs:
OpenCage Geocoding API: Converts coordinates to addresses and vice versa.
MapQuest Geocoding API: Offers geocoding and reverse geocoding services.
Google Geocoding API: Converts addresses into geographic coordinates and vice versa.

Currency Conversion APIs:
ExchangeRate-API: Provides exchange rates for currencies worldwide.
CurrencyLayer API: Offers real-time and historical exchange rates.
Open Exchange Rates API: Provides exchange rates for 170+ currencies
News APIs:
NewsAPI: Offers access to news articles from various sources and blogs.
New York Times API: Provides access to articles, blogs, multimedia, and other news content.
Guardian API: Offers access to news articles from The Guardian newspaper.

Text Analysis/NLP APIs:
TextRazor API: Offers text analysis services including entity recognition, sentiment analysis, and more.
Aylien Text Analysis API: Provides various text analysis functionalities including summarization and entity extraction.
MeaningCloud API: Offers text analytics and sentiment analysis capabilities.

Image Recognition APIs:
Clarifai API: Offers image and video recognition capabilities.
Google Cloud Vision API: Provides image analysis services including label detection, face detection, and optical character recognition (OCR).
Microsoft Azure Computer Vision API: Offers image recognition and analysis services.

Translation APIs:
Google Translate API: Offers translation services for text and websites.
Microsoft Translator Text API: Provides text translation in multiple languages.
DeepL API: Offers high-quality translation services with support for multiple languages.

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