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Marked 3 years 2 weeks ago onto Digital Video Interview, Key to Smart Interviewing

Video Interviewing - Online video interviews: Jobma


Digital video interview is the future of the recruitment industry. A recruitment team has to manage a lot of tasks to organize an interview. You can select from one-way or live video interviews depending on their hiring stage. Bring automation technologies to your HR ecosystem and transform your recruitment process.
Virtual hiring enables recruiters to test a candidate on different skills. In video interviews, you can see a candidate's response to different questions. It helps you see even the smallest changes in expression so that only a talented candidate gets preferred for the final stages of the interview. You can notice a candidate's confidence, communication, body posture, and personality to check if they fit your company's culture.
When you use a digital video interview software such as Jobma, you can customize the interview questions. You can change the difficulty based on the type of candidate required for your business. Once the candidate submits their response, you can view and share the video with the team. They can review and rate the performance so that you can make a collaborative hiring decision. It creates a transparent hiring process, so only a talented applicant gets selected in the interview.

By using Jobma video interview software, you can adopt these smart interviewing techniques. It helps recruiters to improve engagement with the candidates and enhance their interview experience. This will reduce the interview dropout rate and ensure that you can select top talents. Add innovative technologies to your recruitment team to make strategic hiring decisions.

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