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Marked 5 years 8 months ago onto mom itemised payslip



Did you know? All employers must issue mom itemised payslip to their employees covered by the Employment Act. If you are a new company and are not too sure how to go about doing this, take a chill pill and let QuickHR do the job for you. At just SGD5 per employee, QuickHR guarantees you an error-free payroll system that can issue payslips to your employees. For more information, visit our website!

QuickHR's mom itemised payslip comes in the four national languages- English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil. You can now issue payslips to your employees in their preferred language.

Did you know? Employers are required to keep a record of all mom itemised payslip issued to their employees that go way back to the last two years or at least one year after the employee leaves employment.

There are various templates and resources employers can get when it comes to staying compliant with the mom itemised payslip requirements but you don't have to worry about these when you are with QuickHR because we will help you with them. At just SGD5 per employee per month, QuickHR can get you all covered. Visit our website now for more information!

With prices as low as SGD5 per employee per month, you can now issue mom itemised payslip and Key Employment Terms (KET) to your employees with templates compliant with the government's standards.

Here at QuickHR you can choose the language you want to receive your mom itemised payslip in. Be it English, Mandarin, Malay or Tamil, QuickHR can generate them for you easily! For more information, visit our website!

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