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Marked 6 months 1 week ago onto Debugging and Testing Node JS Applications

Debugging and Testing Node JS Applications - MegaMinds Technologies


In the development process of any application, including Node JS applications, debugging and testing are crucial steps. By following these procedures, you can ensure that the code is functioning correctly, find and fix bugs, and enhance the overall quality of the application. We will look at a number of methods and best practices for testing and debugging Node JS applications in this blog post.

Debugging Node JS Applications
The process of finding and resolving bugs or errors in the code is known as debugging. The following are a few efficient methods for debugging Node JS applications:

Console Logging
One straightforward but effective debugging method is console logging. You can monitor the flow of execution and output pertinent information to the console by carefully placing console.log statements throughout your code. This aids in problem solving and comprehension of the code's behavior.
Javascript = console.log("Debugging message");

Debugger Statement
The debugger statement is another useful tool for debugging Node JS applications. By inserting the keyword debugger in your code, you can pause the execution at that point and inspect the variables, call stack, and other relevant information using the built-in debugger in your IDE or browser.
Javascript = Debugger;

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