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Marked 11 months 3 weeks ago onto Coinbase Ủng Hộ Việc SEC Đồng Ý Niêm Yết Ethereum EFT

Coinbase Ủng Hộ Việc SEC Đồng Ý Niêm Yết Ethereum EFT


Coinbase da cong khai keu goi Uy ban Chung khoan va Giao dich Hoa Ky (SEC) phe duyet viec niem yet quy Spot Ether ETF duoc de xuat cua Grayscale. Paul Grewal, Giam doc phap ly cua Coinbase, da len nen tang truyen thong xa hoi X de thong bao phan hoi chinh thuc cua cong ty doi voi yeu cau binh luan cua SEC. De trinh cua Coinbase neu chi tiet cac bien minh phap ly, ky thuat va kinh te ho tro viec phe duyet ETF, nhan manh viec phan loai Ethereum (ETH) la mot loai hang hoa thay vi chung khoan.

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