Car Battery Care: Ensure extended battery life with proper maintenance... | Yoomark

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Car Battery Care: Ensure extended battery life with proper maintenance

Proper maintenance can help your car battery power your car for an extended period. Neglecting the importance of timely checkups can cause issues or even damage the battery. Monthly or preferably bi-monthly checkups will enhance the car battery's life. The car battery should not be overcharged since overcharging can damage the internal parts of a battery. When putting the car aside in a garage or when not using it, periodic charging will prevent the battery from draining out completely. Cleaning the car battery is also very important. A brush and baking soda can be used for cleaning a lead-acid battery. Using proper safety gear is required when handling these batteries. When jumpstarting a car, use proper techniques to avoid electrical damage. Using branded batteries with warranties can minimize the hassles. Click here to learn more about how to do a proper checkup and maintenance of car batteries to extend their life.

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Car Battery Replacement

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