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Marked 11 months 3 weeks ago onto Aave Triển Khai Money Market Protocol Trên Mạng BNB Chain

Aave Triển Khai Money Market Protocol Trên Mạng BNB Chain


Aave, mot nen tang tai chinh phi tap trung (DeFi ) noi bat, da mo rong pham vi tiep can cua minh bang cach trien khai giao thuc thi truong tien te cua minh tren mang BNB Chain. Dong thai chien luoc nay the hien mot buoc tien dang ke trong viec mo rong he sinh thai DeFi cua BNB Chain. Viec tich hop nen tang vao mang se tham gia cung cac giao thuc DeFi hang dau khac nhu Uniswap va PancakeSwap, lam phong phu them cac dich vu tai chinh phi tap trung cua blockchain .

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