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PTE Protips is to guide people who would like to achieve their desired score with simple tips and tricks such as scoring structure, simple methods, templates for speaking and writing, how to use the microphone and text pad effectively and which tasks need to be concentrated more to score 79+ within few days. It helps to understand your weak areas, PTE Scoring System, Speaking tasks such as read aloud, repeat sentence, describe image, retell lecture, Writing tasks: Essay, SWT, Reading tasks: fill in the blanks, reorder paragraph and Listening tasks: SST, HIW, WFD including most repeated questions for read aloud, repeat sentence, reading dropdown fill in the blanks and reorder paragraph. It also helps to process Australia PR such as 887 visa and also posts SA attractions and Adelaide markets.


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PTE Voucher with exclusive offer including free mock test. This voucher code should be used when booking a test online or phone in pearson website...

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Most Repeated Reading Fill in the Blanks | Drag and Drop | PTE Protips
Most repeated questions in reading drag and drop fill in the blanks....

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Retell Lecture using template with key phrases | PTE Protips
Retell Lecture to give a lecture fluently on the information provided for...

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16 Best Tourist Attractions in South Australia | PTE Protips
16 Top rated, unforgettable tourist attractions in South Australia | Adelaide,...

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Adelaide Markets | Markets with fresh produce | PTE Protips
Best Adelaide markets with fresh produce | A guide to shop local | Buy fruits,...

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Most Repeated Reorder Paragraph | Practice with strategies | PTE Protips
Most repeated questions in reorder paragraph. Practice all the...

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Reading Dropdown Fill in the Blanks | Most Repeated | PTE Protips
Most repeated questions in reading dropdown fill in the blanks. Practice...

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Most Repeated Repeat Sentence | Practice with strategies | PTE Protips
Most repeated questions in repeat sentence. Practice all the...

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Most Repeated Read Aloud | Practice with strategies | PTE Protips
Most repeated questions in read aloud. Practice all the questions with the...

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887 visa processing and eligibility criteria | PTE Protips
887 Visa Processing Requirements | Eligibility | Checklist for 887 (489 visa...

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Australia PR Process | Pathway To Enter - Australia | PTE Protips
Australia PR process | Skilled migration checklist | Tips to guide on your...

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How to improve Listening score | Tips and tricks | PTE Protips
How to improve listening score | concentrate on Fill in the Blanks, Highlight...

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PTE Summarize Spoken Text | Tips and Strategies | PTE Protips
PTE Summarize Spoken Text | Tips and strategies | Grammar, vocabulary,...

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PTE Reorder Paragraph tips with different strategies | PTE Protips
PTE Reorder paragraph tips and tricks | Improve your score with key...

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Reading Fill in the Blanks - drag and drop | drop-down | PTE Protips
Two types of fill in the blanks, drag and drop contributes for reading...

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PTE Essay Writing with templates and methods | PTE Protips
PTE Writing Essay with different types: Agree or disagree, discuss two opinions,...

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PTE Summarize Written Text | Tips and Strategies | PTE Protips
PTE Writing Summarize written text with 3 strategies | Tips to achieve 65, 79...

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PTE Speaking Tips - Quick tips using templates | PTE Protips
PTE Speaking tips to improve | Score 79 or above in speaking tasks | Templates...

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Retell Lecture using template with key phrases | PTE Protips
Retell Lecture to give a lecture fluently on the information provided for...

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Describe Image with template for all types of images | PTE Protips
PTE Speaking Describe Image with template for all types of images...

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PTE Repeat Sentence Tips and Tricks | Three methods | PTE Protips
PTE Repeat Sentence tips and tricks | Three different methods | Listen and...

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PTE Read Aloud Tips and Tricks | Fluency and Pronunciation | PTE Protips
PTE Read Aloud tips | helps and improves score for speaking and...

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PTE Weak Areas | Concentrate on most important tasks | PTE Protips
How to find my weak areas in PTE | Concentrate on tasks such as read...

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PTE Scoring Structure for all sections based on each task | PTE Protips
PTE Scoring Structure for speaking, writing, reading and listening...

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Home | PTE Protips
PTE Protips is to guide people who would like to achieve their desired score with proven techniques, simple tips and...

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How to score 79 in PTE Academic | Pro Tips and Tricks | PTE Protips
"How to score 79+ in PTE academic? Tips and Tricks, Templates and...

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