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Studium Group are experts in Overseas Studies Guidance, the best study abroad consultants in India. We have presence across all the states of India such as Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Kochi, Delhi and Hyderabad. For more details please log on to our Website:

Study in Italy

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To know more about study in Italy for Indian students, please get in touch with Studium Group, the best study abroad consultants in India.


It's no wonder why Study in Italy so popular among Indian students! We've gathered a list of the top reasons for studying abroad in Italy to show...

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Since many universities in Europe allow admissions with or without IELTS, you may not be surprised to know why study in Italy without IELTS is not...

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Anonymous (not verified) my neighbor’s mother makes $81/hr on the internet. She has been fired from work for 9 months but last month her check was $17867 just working on the internet for a few hours. Go Here….

Pursuing a Higher education has a very long history for Indian students in Italy. It has played a major role in European higher education and has...

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It's no wonder why Study in Italy so popular among Indian students! We've gathered a list of the top reasons for studying abroad in Italy to show...

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why Study in Italy

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