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Mindsahead supported by leading experts from various academic fields of school education‚children's psychology and personality development, "MindsAhead" offers unique "After School Program" for kids and English & Math tutoring programs that caters for different needs of children. We have structured programs in class room settings meant for younger children to highly flexible & customized programs for students of all ages. "MindsAhead" Academy conducts four after-school programs which are BrainOBrain, Language Minds, Minds Bee and Tutor Minds. MindsAhead Academy is an educational organization with a vision to become a leader in delivering a meaningful, high quality after-school programs to young children and a goal based tutoring service to older children.

Online Tutoring Programs For Kids

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indsAhead offers online tutoring programs for kids and provides personalized lesson plan to ensure their growth in subject. Enroll Now for free...

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