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Buddha Gear, Meditation, mindfulness, yoga gear to enhance your inner journey, the original Buddha Bands, yoga meditation headbands with sacred symbols and crystals over your third eye to raise your vibration, merge mind and body and of course, have fun! Hats, Beanies, Headbands, crystals with sacred geometry, law of attraction, flower of life and hippie yoga headwear

Yoga and fitness trainer

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Buddha Gear, Meditation, mindfulness, yoga gear to enhance your inner journey, the original Buddha Bands, yoga meditation headbands with sacred symbols and crystals over your third eye to raise your vibration, merge mind and body and of course, have fun! Hats, Beanies, Headbands, crystals with sacred geometry, law of attraction, flower of life and hippie yoga headwear

Buddha Gear, Meditation, mindfulness, yoga gear to enhance your inner journey, the original Buddha Bands, yoga meditation headbands with sacred...

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