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Genizer, located in Technology Link in Greater Los Angeles, is dedicated to advancing homogenizer nanotechnology. We provide high pressure homogenizers, liposome extruders, sanitary heat exchangers, diamond interaction chambers and high pressure gauges compatible with other brands of high pressure homogenizers, high pressure pumps, nano particle analyzer and nano formulation services for pharmaceutical, biochemical, cosmetics and food industries.

Everything about High Pressure Homogenizers

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High pressure homogenizers, such as NanoGenizer, prepare nanomaterial by producing high flow velocity through a small orifice, using a specially designed internal fixed geometry under ultra-high pressure (up to 60,000 psi). During the homogenization process, changes in physical, chemical, structural properties occur, and as a result, homogeneous suspension takes place at nanoscale. The pressure of a conventional homogenizer is within 15,000 psi, while a high pressure homogenizer can achieve 30,000 psi, and an ultra-high pressure homogenizer can reach up to 60,000 psi.

Homogenizers play a crucial role in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and beverage, and biotechnology. These machines...

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NanoGenizer Lab Homogenizer for Cell Disruption

NanoGenizer High Pressure Homogenizer for Nanomaterials
NanoGenizer, a lab-scale...

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