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Ethan Millar is a technical writer at Aegis Softtech especially for computer programming like, Java, Big Data, Hadoop, Microsoft Dynamics AX and CRM since more than 8 years. Also, have basic knowledge of Computer Programming.

Big Data

2 Followers, 17 Marks

As more and more businesses move to Big Data, they are looking for Hadoop experts who can interpret and use data. Hadoop is one of the most...

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Using Big data in decision-making will keep your business heading in the right direction, optimizing your current and making it easier to produce...

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Apache NiFi enables the users to create data flows quickly and accurately without any specific programming necessary. This powerful software will...

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Pentaho provides a complete big data analytics solution that supports the entire big data analytics process. It allows you to harvest the...

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Prototyping permits architects to verify a new big data component's actual performance or assess runtime resource consumption thresholds, which is...

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Chatbots include clever communicators and make clients satisfied through their information. The chatbot is the best way of doing the same job in...

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Apache Avro is a data serialization for compact & difficult binary format widely used for storing constant data on HDFS as well as for...

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Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving big log data. It has a simple and...

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Apache Hive converts the SQL queries into MapReduce jobs and then submits them to the Hadoop cluster. When we submit a SQL query, Hive reads the...

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Cloud data warehouse is useful for all types of users like decision-makers who rely on a huge amount of data. It is also used by people who want...

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With Power BI technology, all-size Company's can observe their business more closely and get faster answers with rich dashboards available for...

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If we specifically talk about iOS apps then number of people learning big data. IOS is expanding like anything business goal, unique decision...

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ML, AI and big data tool using the healthcare sector make space in this era. Machine learning algorithms need to compiled all medical data of...

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Let's take a look at the big data integral part of the chatbots. Big data can enable the growth of chatbots can improve customer service, but it...

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A number of businesses providing multi data are going to expand with landing to competitive rates and make good some happenings in data landscape...

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Data churning will be not usable if the industries are unable to use the data effectively. Big data visualization is basically a collection of...

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Big data is capable to help with marketing, sales like - understanding of the target audience using big data, important of the big data collection...

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